Yesterday we threw another party in our flat, for the 3rd time in a row, this time we didn't have as many people as last week which then was around 40 people or so, was of the hook, the whole segment was filled with people, the balcony, kitchen, bedroom, entrance hall and outside in the corridor as well. Yesteray i rekon we had around 27 to 30 max, was still quite a big party for such a small area to be honest. We partied up until 12pm or so in our place, then when we decided we needed to change the scenery a little we went upstairs to the 21st floor where another party was being held, and let me tell you that place is off the chain, it has two floors and four balconies, the ultimate academic party house. And when we united our party with their party things just went crazy.
The whole place was packed with people of course, one room for the drunk karaoke singers, kitchen for the chilling out, drinking and talking and upstairs for .... well for whatever i guess. So today im writing this piece while suffering from a weak hangover and thinking .... fuck but last night was a great night! If you wanna get some kind of idea what our parties look like and exactly what it is that im so excited about, then watch one of those American music videos or movies where theres a house party, EVERYONE shows up, the music is pumping like crazy, alcohol is flowing non stop and people are just everywhere socializing and drinking .... thats pretty much what our party life looks like ... well atleast the parties that we throw, and sometimes attend hehehe.
Ok so that was my small, hangover and still little drunk, piece on the student life in Wroclaw, ill keep updating this as the parties and adventures go by.