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Monday, 22 November 2010

Photobucket Club Grawitacja

Club Grawitacja is a club situated in the center of the student residence in Wroclaw, to be precise it is actually situated at the foot of the Wroclaw international student homes, this making it an ideal place to meet people from all over the world and make some new friends. The club has a warm atmosphere and you are bound to get into a friendly conversation with someone, be it at the bar over a drink or two, or whether it be sat at one of the tables or on the couches situated in the clubs second hall. As for the club its self, it is a club with a theme set back in the old days of damsels and gentlemen, the decor has a slight barok feel to it with chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, busy wallpaper dazzling your eyes and giving the club a prestige sort of feel and warm wooden furniture that gives you a sense of comfort and belonging. The bar is set in the middle of the club, thus making it possible to serve both halls at the same time. Surrounding the bar you will not find your everyday barstools, that's just so normal and boring, instead you will find wooden swings all around the bar which constantly call out to you to jump on, order a drink and have a few swings back and forth while admiring the party as it comes to life around you. As awesome as this club is, the same has to be said for the staff, barmen and women alike as well as employees working the floor are friendly, tolerant and inviting. Walking up to the bar and ordering a drink is enjoyable  when greeted and served by such staff. Believe it or not but the door man too are quite tolerant and polite when dealing with customers (well, as polite and tolerant as a polish door man can be.) , and I am able to comment on their behaviour as I was unfortunately involved in a situation where the door man saw it appropriate to intervene, and the way in which they handled the situation was quite impressive compared to what I have seen and experienced in many other polish clubs. However I would not advise that you get on their bad side or abuse their tolerance as I am pretty sure that in such a case the situation could get quite ugly.

As to the details of the club:
Ul. Grundwaldzka 67
Opening and closing hours:
Open from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 until the last client leaves, On Sunday from 16:00

Beer – 6zl, Coca Cola – 3zl

If you would like to know more or if you have any questions then please feel free to contact me or to leave a comment and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

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