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Monday, 22 November 2010

Club Alibi

This club, like club Grawitacja, is also situated at the foot of Wroclaws international student homes. However it is not as popular as Grawitacja for meeting new and interesting people from different corners of the earth, in fact I don’t believe it is at all popular in that sense. The people you are most likely to meet in Alibi are polish people, although there is always the exception, as I for one as well as a few of my friends tend to move to club Alibi when it gets a bit too crowded in Grawitacja.
The club its self is quite average and basic when we talk about design, atmosphere and climate. It is a fairly large club which is why at least 3 times a month they host concerts with musicians from Poland as well as from around the rest of the world. The main dance floor is set near to the entrance and is designed as a large square which has been sunk about 1.5 meters into the ground with the rest of the club looking down on you as you dance yourself into a frenzy. Surrounding the main dance floor is a vast amount of tables and benches where one may sit and socialize with friends while sipping a nice cold beer.  Club Alibi also has a second hall which can be found when walking through a door (like the door in your bedroom, weird to have such a small entrance into another hall but ok) which is situated in the corner of the club, if you just keep walking straight from the cloak room past the bar on your right and straight to the end, you will find a door on your right, that leads to the second hall. I must be honest I only found that part of the club after my third visit as I always assumed it was only for staff. In the first hall you will find about 3 big flat screen TV’s which are used to watch sports matches during the week when Alibi is not being used as a club, at those time it’s treated more like a bar, where you can sit down with your mates and enjoy the match with a refreshing beer.  As for the staff all I can say is, they’re nice, nothing special but definitely not the worst. Let me put it this way, if they’re having a bad day, you’ll know about it. If I had to sum up the club in a few words while relating to its design and atmosphere, I would say that at heart it is a concert venue which secondarily functions as a club and bar when not hosting any shows. However all the same I still feel it is a venue that is worth visiting and checking out.
As to the details of the club:
ul. Grunwaldzka 67
071 328 29 53

Opening and closing hours:
Open from Monday to Saturday from 12:00 – 04:00, on Sundays from 17:00 – 04:00
Thursday – free entry until  21:00, after 21:00 men pay 5zl, free entry for students all night long.
Friday and Saturday – free entry until 21:00, after 21:00 men pay 5zl

Beer-6zl, coca cola-3zl

If you would like to know more or have any questions then please feel free to contact me or leave a comment and i will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. 

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